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Our Jiu Jitsu Programs are specifically designed to allow you to train with the right people, with comparable skills, and with age-appropriate peers. We offer many different age groups for the kid’s program as well as classes separated by skill for the adults.

Kids Program

What makes Jiu Jitsu so special are all of the hidden benefits of Jiu Jitsu that will translate into every area of your child’s life. Self-defense, healthy habits, confidence, friendship, dealing with failure, and focus are just a few of the benefits your child will gain from training with us. We have several age-specific classes to meet the needs of students of any age (3 years old through college-age students).

Kids that train Jiu Jitsu are less likely to be bullied and less likely to be a bully.

  • Tiny Kids (3 – 5 years old) – These classes are focused on fun, following directions, and basic athletic moves that mimic those used in Jiu-Jitsu. We include a basic Jiu Jitsu technical to start building their foundation.
  • Little Kids (6 – 9 years old) – The kids are a little older and better at focusing and giving their attention. They’ll start to learn a wide variety of Jiu-Jitsu techniques and positions. We focus on disciple, understanding the moves, and executing the moves. At this age, the kids really start to develop their style (their favorite moves) and can identify and execute a number of techniques. This is where many kids start their Jiu-Jitsu journey.
  • Big Kids (10 – 13 years old) – Beginner or advanced kids at this age are like sponges, they can learn, implement and understand a wide variety of Jiu-Jitsu techniques and positions. These classes are focused on safety, technique, and really some of the finer details that this age group can understand and implement.
  • All Ages – No matter the age, safety, discipline, and focus are paramount. We are always assessing the children as they train and may move them up if they’re developing quickly and/or are simply big/mature for their age. We do allow the kids to “wrestle” or what we call rolling. This is the time they can implement the skills they learn, explore new moves, and be creative with what they’ve learned.


Whether you’re new to Jiu-Jitsu, or a seasoned Jiu-Jitsu practitioner, we offer a variety of adult classes that will meet your individual needs and experience level. Our classes are split between fundamentals and advanced classes to give you the exact instruction you need. We offer both Gi and No GI adult programs. Check out our schedule for detailed dates and times.


In many of our Jiu-Jitsu classes, we’ll cover core self-defense techniques. In addition, we’ll have dedicated self-defense classes. We currently have a Saturday morning self-defense class great for beginners and those not interested in sport Jiu-Jitsu. This class is really focused on ensuring our wives, daughters, and those men that don’t have any martial art experience can get educated in a safe environment on how to defend themselves. Covering things like how to break a grip if someone grabs you, how to manage the distance with an adversary, etc.

Muay Thia

Muay Thai is a stand-up striking martial art. Muay Thai uses punches, elbows, knees, and kicks. Clinching, sweeps, and throws are also allowed as part of this discipline. We work on the basics of stance, defense, and how to throw punches, kicks, and elbows the correct way. This is a great addition to a well-rounded martial artist and perfect for all skills.

Coming Soon – Women ONLY classes

As our school continues to grow, we’ll add new programs. We will be quickly adding a Women’s Self-Defense class. The techniques in the Women’s Self-Defense program show you how to use leverage, technique, and timing, so anyone, regardless of age or athletic ability, can make them work against larger opponents.

Interested in the Women’s Self-Defense Class…let us know by clicking here.

Want to do something we don’t offer? Let us know, it might already be in the works or just starting. We’d love to hear from you.